dfb, eroth, gif, remen
http://dymontiger.livejournal.com/3102779.html 485 weeks, 4 hours and 44 minutes ago

dfb, gif
http://avmalgin.livejournal.com/5121929.html 487 weeks, 2 days and 13 hours ago

cool, dfb, gif
http://mixstuff.ru/archives/70822 487 weeks, 3 days and 22 hours ago

animated gifs, cinemagram, cinemagrams, cinemagraphs, gif, gifs
http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/cinemagraph/ 580 weeks, 4 days and 26 minutes ago

animations, buffer, frames, gif
https://github.com/videlalvaro/gifsockets 604 weeks, 4 days and 17 hours ago

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