dfb, elections, left, right, shaus
http://www.yacovshaus.com/2015/03/wagging.html 477 weeks, 5 days and 14 hours ago

dfb, left, nataniahu, right, sarah, shaus
http://www.yacovshaus.com/2015/02/bottles.html 483 weeks, 2 days and 10 hours ago

Benghazi, blog, clinton, evil, freedom, news, obama, right, t2m, usa
http://conservativefiringline.com/they-all-lied-and-this-one... 542 weeks, 4 days and 16 hours ago

highlight, index, javascript, right
http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/#types.casting 659 weeks, 1 day and 20 hours ago

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